Changing the wallpaper is one of the best options to give your home a new look. If there is wallpaper on the walls, you must first remove the wallpaper to give your living space a new look.
For this reason, how to remove and change wallpaper is a topic of curiosity. In this article, as Lil'Gaea, we will address the questions about the wallpaper removal process. Here are the steps for removing wallpaper!
1. Prepare the Required Materials
The first step is to prepare the necessary materials for removing wallpaper. There are some basic materials that you will need to use when removing wallpaper and to keep the work area clean.
You can use tape to protect the wall corners, and prevent the floor from being affected by spilled pieces by laying a protective tarpaulin in the work area. We also recommend using a garbage bag or an empty bucket for waste materials. You can also use a paint roller or sponge to wet the walls.
Using a spatula to remove wallpapers will be a practical choice. Similarly, you can remove wallpaper residues using sandpaper. In cases where renovation is required, you can obtain smooth walls with filler. Detergent can be used during the cleaning process.
2. Prepare the Room
In order to prevent any damage to your home during the wallpaper removal process, you need to prepare the room where you will be working. Here are the steps you need to follow:
- Turn off the electrical installation from the fuse.
- Move the item leaning against the wall to the middle of the room and cover it with a protective sheet. If possible, you can also move the item to another room.
- If there are items such as shelves or televisions mounted on the walls, you will need to remove them.
- You should lay protective coverings on the ground.
- You should also cover the baseboards with masking tape.
3. Turn Off Electrical Outlets and Switches
For wallpaper removal, you should place a plastic bag over the electrical switches and cover that area with masking tape. It is also important to cover the electrical outlets with tape or another device.
4. Find the Corner of the Wallpaper and Remove It
After all these steps, the next step is to find the corner of the wallpaper. At this stage, you should start peeling the wallpaper with your hand to avoid damaging the wall.
5. Start Peeling the Wallpaper by Hand
The most suitable option for peeling wallpaper is to peel it by hand. In this way, you can easily remove the wallpaper without damaging the wall.
6. Soften with Steam or Hot Water
Among the methods used to remove wallpaper are techniques such as using a steam machine and softening with hot water. Removing the paper is possible by moistening the adhesive underneath. You can remove wallpaper from the wall very easily with methods such as hot water and steam.
7. Remove Wallpaper with Scraper
Scraping and scraping techniques include scraping the surface of the wallpaper with a spatula. This method will be more effective when the adhesive layer of the paper is moist. Scraping is a process that requires attention and patience. The reason for this is that the wallpaper is removed in thin layers.
8. Clean Up Any Remaining Adhesive Residues
After removing the wallpaper, there may be small pieces of wallpaper left on your walls. You can gently clean your wall using a solution and a sponge to clean these. If there are stubborn pieces, we recommend that you scrape these pieces off the wall with sandpaper without pressing too hard. If there are cracks on the walls, you should not forget to prepare a filler and remove these roughnesses.
9. Dry the Walls
After the removal process, the walls that you used water, steam and detergent need to dry. The methods you can use to dry the walls can be listed as follows:
- You can open windows and doors to ventilate the room. This way, you can dry out the moisture.
- You can speed up the drying process with a fan or a ventilator.
- If the room is warm, you can warm it up even more with a heater. Warm air helps moisture evaporate faster.
- You can use a clean and dry cotton cloth to lightly dry the surface of the wall. You should be careful not to press too hard.
10. Check and Prepare the Wall Surface
Checking and preparing the wall surface is an extremely important step before applying new wallpaper. Here is what you need to do during this process:
- If there are cracks, holes or bulges on the surface of the wall, you should detect them.
- You should check if the wall is damp or moldy, and if there is moisture, you should wait for the wall to dry thoroughly.
- We recommend wiping the surface of the wall with a damp cloth to remove dust, dirt and grease. If there is mold, you should clean it with a suitable mold cleaner.
- You should fill the cracks or holes with putty and wait for the putty to dry completely. You can obtain a smooth surface by smoothing the filled areas with sandpaper.
- An effective method is to prime the wall before applying new wallpaper. The primer ensures a smoother surface and helps the adhesive adhere better.
- After the primer has dried, check the surface of the wall again. If there are any irregularities or deficiencies, you should correct them.
You can easily remove your wallpaper by following these steps. If you are going to re-apply new wallpaper to the wall you removed, we recommend that you read our previous content titled How to Apply Wallpaper? (Step by Step Guide) .
How to Remove Wallpaper from Walls Easily?
The easiest method is to remove wallpapers with warm water and detergent. Adding paper glue to the water can also make this process more practical. You can make small holes in the wallpapers before applying water to ensure better absorption of water.
Is Wallpaper Removal Easy?
Wallpaper removal can be easy or difficult depending on the technique you use. The most effective method for this is to add hot water and some dishwashing detergent to a bucket and mix, as mentioned above. You can apply this mixture to the wallpapers with a large sponge or brush.
How to Remove Wallpaper Without Damaging It?
To remove the wallpaper without damaging it, you can first wet the wallpaper with the methods mentioned above and then gently remove it with a spatula.
How to Remove Adhesive Wallpaper?
To remove adhesive wallpaper, fill a spray bottle with hot water and dishwashing detergent, spray it on the wallpaper and scrape it gently with a spatula. You can clean the soapy water and adhesive residue on the wall with a damp, clean sponge.
In this article, we have covered the topic of "How to Remove Wallpaper" for you. Lil'Gaea offers innovative and environmentally friendly options in the field of decoration with its sustainable and nature-protecting designs.
Lil'Gaea's wallpaper models are produced with natural materials. Thus, wallpaper models produced from materials obtained from renewable resources that do not harm the health of both children and adults, fit into every home. Lil'Gaea is the best option to add an aesthetic look to your child's room!